Saturday, September 15, 2007

What Is Building Insurance?

Building insurance is very necessary to protect against loss incurred due to uncertainties. Insurance against fire, earthquake, theft, storm, lightning etc by the house owner for his building is called as Building insurance. The building is insured for a sum and the owner of the property pays a premium for the insurance. If the building is damaged due to the aforementioned calamities, the insurance company pays the insured amount.

In building insurance other assets like permanent fixtures and fittings, wardrobe, interior decorations etc are included. Others like garages, fencing, gates, swimming pools may not be covered, but you can check the policy. A building is an asset and is to be protected always. Insuring your building would help you in minimizing your risk and stay in peace. The premium paid for insuring the building is very low and in case of any uncertainty the money would be paid. First the insurance company does valuation of the building and then the property is insured. In case of any uncertainty the insurance company will have to pay for the amount insured.

So if you have a house, go and get it insured as it will be very beneficial in the long run as you cannot predict earthquakes and other natural calamities.


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